
20th Century Boy
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Jongwoon is a writer for the “Rolling Stone” magazine, he had was given the opportunity to write a big piece on a raising punk-rock band and he had to travel to New York for the interview part. Jongwoon was more than excited to be given such an opportunity to showcase his abilities fully. He was usually given small columns in the magazine or was a co-writer. That was his chance to shine and solidify himself as a critic. He was to fly the next week and do the interview in the infamous “CBGB” which in itself was something Jongwoon looked forward to it. 

When he arrived there, he had a couple of hours to spend, and Jongwoon decided to stop by a nearby coffee shop to reload with a cup of a strong coffee. He had to wake up early for the flight and because of the hectic day he, was having he wasn’t able to find the time to drink. Usually, Jongwoon would have three or four a day, depending on how stressful the day turned out to be. Now he was functioning on pure will and a bit of excitement. 

Jongwoon walked into the small and cosy shop that was just two streets away from the bar and ordered a long black coffee. After getting the coffee, he decided to sit on the sidewalk tables they have put and enjoy the free time he had. As soon as he got out of the shop and before he could reach the table he liked for himself, an unfortunate incident happened. Someone crashed into him, spilling the coffee over his favourite brown blazer and a white tee. 

Jongwoon was ready to curse the out of whomever moron wasn’t rude enough to do this. The writer raised his eyes, after examining the damages, laying them on the perpetrator and Jongwoon seemed to be out of words. Jongwoon was annoyed, but having a hot guy bump into him was subduing the irritation in his body. Light-brown messy hair, hazel eyes which had mischief dancing in them, a high nose that pleaded to be kissed and pink pouty lips all those belonged to what seemed to be a punk who was too focused on the conversation with his friends to see poor now wet Jongwoon.

“, dude,” the guy said a bit too loud that made a few heads turn around, examining the situation. “, I’m sorry, man.” 

He looked apologetic, scratching the back of his head and scanning Jongwoon while he was taking deep breaths, trying not to burst. His friends - on the other hand, were not so discreetly trying not to laugh at the mess their friend made. 

“Are you burned or something? Do you want me to buy you a new coffee or a shirt? You know what,” Jongwoon looked at him curiously as the stranger started taking his jacket off, “I don’t actually have extra money, so here is mine.” 

Jongwoon watched in bewilderment as the hot stranger started taking his shirt off. The writer pulled down the arm of the stranger before he could fully take the top off. He shook his head and spoke.

“Keep it, I think I had enough of this,” Jongwoon looked back at his clothes and sighed, “I mean at least it could have happened after the interview or in the bar at least I would have blamed it on the drunk people,” Jongwoon continued talking more to himself, but the stranger hadn’t moved his eyes away from him even though his friends had started nagging him to go, “The powers that be, give me the strength to-“

“Hey, I can give you a spare tee if you don’t want that one. I have one at my work which is not from here,”

His friends and Jongwoon looked in astonishment at the man in front of them. They were strangers he didn’t have to do this, so why was he? Soon enough, the man realised that the people around him couldn’t quite understand his intentions and got flustered.

“Don’t get me wrong. You seem in a big predicament. I would hate to be the person who has ruined your day. Or something along those lines,” 

The man cast his eyes far away, somewhere behind Jongwoon’s head after finishing. Was he trying to look cool, or was this Jongwoon’s imagination? 

“You don’t have to give yourself such a big importance. It’s not that serious you can rest assured,” the stranger’s friends who were getting aggravated with their friend’s failed attempt of flirting, snickered at Jongwoon’s remark. 

“Sassy,” one of them said and averted her gaze from her friend that was sending warning signals. 

“Fany,” he put a sweetly fake smile on his features while talking to the woman.

“Hyukjae,” she replied to him in the same manner but with a bigger smile on her face and rolled her eyes. “Deal with this however you want. Donghae and I are heading to the bar.” She grabbed the other man by the forearm, without waiting for a response from anyone, and soon disappeared from their sight. 

Jongwoon suddenly felt awkward for no reason. He felt like the mood changed after the other two people left. It felt private. But that was unreasonable because they were still on the sidewalks in the bustling New York. Jongwoon made a face to himself and thought that he needed to get laid or something. The stranger, Hyukjae, on the other hand, seemed to be feeling more awkward now with less public that paid attention to them. He seemed way jitterier even with barely moving his body was sending waves of vibration to Jongwoon that were annoying but also arousing him.  , I need a good   Jongwoon shook his head and headed back inside the café to return the cup from the coffee he couldn’t even taste. He ignored the other man, who seemed to wait for Jongwoon to go with him. 

If it was under other circumstances, Jongwoon might have allowed himself the luxury of getting his brains ed out or to bury himself in that Hyukjae’s body. That, however, wasn’t other circumstances and Jongwoon had an important meeting, a meeting that could very well undermine or escalate his career. He wasn’t going to let his decide for his brain. 

While Jongwoon was pep-talking himself he got outside and was greeted by the newly familiar face of Hyukjae. 

“I can’t believe you are still here,” Jongwoon deadpanned and turned around on his heels. 

“I told you, my workplace is close by. I want to apologise properly. Let me lend you a tee and-“

“I can buy my own t-shirt, don’t worry.”

“I’m certain that you can. But I don’t want you to associate your first experience to New York with someone, me, being a wanker.”

Jongwoon stopped suddenly, making Hyukjae bump softly into him and turned to face the man.

“Wait, how do you know I’m not from here?”

“Well, I would say the bright-eyed and curious look on your face. But also your slow reflexes gave you away.” Hyukjae had the kind of serious face you put when you discuss topics like philosophy or arts. Jongwoon got the urge to curse him and even punch him, but he controlled himself to annoyed stare. Hyukjae gave him a cheeky smile in response.

Jongwoon turned around and started walking forward, trying not to pay attention to the other man. “So, are you coming with me? Seriously, the place is just around the corner. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. It’s called CBGB-“ Jongwoon stopped suddenly again causing Hyukjae to collide with his body a bit harder this time, “Could you stop with this?”

“You work at CBGB?” Jongwoon questioned with interest. 

“Yeah, I do. Have been for just a week but-“ Hyukjae confirmed with a bit of pride in his voice.

“I’ll come,” responded the writer with a controlled tone. 

“Really?” The other man sounded a bit joyous. 

“Well, I have to. It’s where I’m headed to anyways.” Jongwoon replied with kind of dismissive tone, trying not to give any hopes to Hyukjae and himself. 

“Oh, okay.”


After arriving at the venue, Hyukjae more or less dragged Jongwoon in the staff room, without noticing the exchange of raised eyebrows that his friends made at the scene. 

“Pay up,” the woman extended her hand towards the man with a smug face.

“Oh, c’mon, T. We BOTH knew that he was going to do it,” Donghae made a displeased face. 

“Well, yeah, but it wasn’t what you said,” Tiffany smiled cheerfully at the man and repeated her gesture. The man sighed, searched his clothes for money and handed them with a soft grunt.

Jongwoon wore a dazed look on his features while stepping into the small room. He was trying to comprehend what was happening. How did he end up in the back of the music club he was going to have an important interview

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395 streak #1
Chapter 1: wooooa~ I love the progress! It's nice to read <333
Chapter 1: this was so good !! love the build up